July was a strange month for the blog. In the middle of the month I transitioned from the original WordPress hosted blog to this self-hosted blog, which made for some interesting problems. Some of the posts were posted on both blogs so counting the views were difficult. I had previously stated on another blog that my most viewed post was Moving. This seemed appropriate anyway because of the topic, however, Moving was tied with Cut it Short and beaten by Pretentious Initials. Rounding out the top five were Blast Waves and Paying More for Having to Do More.
In Pretentious Initials I compare the grace of God to licensure by the state as an engineer. Blast Waves is an update on my friend's grandson who recently lost his legs in Afghanistan.
While Moving is tied for second most visits, it is the reason for my slowdown of postings. I have been trying to arrange things in advance of my pending move and it has really taken a good deal of time, particularly because of the short notice to make the decisions and the move itself.
Cut it Short is the ironically named piece that was a bit of a rant. However, it did contain some aspects that were not only symbolic of other issues, but provides an insight into the dealings and happenings in my church that some have found eerily familiar. While the next day's post, Redundant Repetition, did not make the list, it was a shorter, cut to the chase explanation of the same situation.
Another post that didn't make the top five but that I was particularly pleased with was Listen To Me. I had very little to do with this one, because the main point of that post is my daughter's singing in a band made of classmates called The Frequently. They are very talented 12 year olds.
I hope you enjoyed last month's posts, and despite a very slow start to this month, there is much to look forward to for August, including the next edition of Flawed Thoughts Part 1 and another post on my favorite authors. Also, I encourage everyone who can to come to Pell City on 13 August for Ignite 2011, it will be another spectacular day of music, food and fun all for free.
Walt Whitman used to use the tilde (~) a lot, so now whenever I use one I think Walt's in my tilde.